Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trip to the zoo

My mom...who wins everything won a bunch of free tickets to the zoo off the radio. So we got some of our family together and went. It was lots of fun. Here are some pics.

Here is Rachel, Allison and Mom being silly.

Kika and Chloe being silly.

Chloe, Allison and I crawled in the little cave to watch the penguins.

Allison and Chloe climbing in the "rocks"

We saw Joseph (my brother) while we were there (haha)

We got to feed a giraffe named Crissy.

Chloe feeding Crissy.

I thought Addison would be scared. But she loved it!!!

Chloe got to ride the pony.

Allison was too little but they let us sit her on it for a picture.

We went on a train ride.
They rode the Carousel


Leigh This Way said...

That last pic of Allison on the merry-go-round is so cute. Looks like y'all had tons of fun. I'm sad I missed it but I'm glad all the girls enjoyed it! Way to go Mom!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

how fun! I love going to the zoo.

Christi said...

Way cute pics! I love the zoo and it looks like your girls loved the zoo too!

Kalia said...

How fun!!!