Saturday, July 18, 2009

First Meeting Baby Spence

Today I got to meet my sweet wittle itty bitty baby Spence. Here are few pics.

This was during the first moments of me holding him.
I couldn't look at the camera because I was crying.

While I was holding him his oxygen level was going down so the nurse had me give him his passy so that he would breath through his nose. He was holding my finger. How sweet.

Here he was just snoozing away.

His little toes

His nurse took his breathing machine out of his nose so that I could get a face shot...I know it's blury but it's still cute.

I love this sweet pic of us. I am so in love and he will definately be spoiled...just like all of the others.

I'm so glad that after 11 weeks I finally got to meet him.


Leigh This Way said...

I'm jealous! But my turn will come next time we're there. But I'm glad that you were able to go.

The Gould Family said...

He looks like he's getting bigger!! He's just so adorable!!! I'm glad you were able to go and see him!!

Kalia said...

Congratulations! I've seen his blog, he's a little miracle baby! I'm glad you got some auntie bonding time! Love, Kalia

ha: word verif: eenti (sounds like it means aunt of an eensie weensie baby!)