Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Knee Surgery

This may be a little graphic for some of you but I still wanted to share. I had knee surgery one week ago on July 8th. Some of the swelling has actually gone way down. I go tomorrow for my first follow up appt. to see if the dr is ready to take my stitches out. I am still not walking on it...I hate crutches. My armpits hurt and I have callused skin from the crutches rubbing. Its really terrible. Here are a few pics of my knee.

Here is the first pic. You can see where they wrote Yes on it to remind them of which knee they were supposed to cut on.
It looks swollen here but you can really see in another picture below.

Here is ther second pic...closer up. You an see the stiches and my incisions.

This is the third and wierdest pic of all of them. This picture really shows how swollen my knee is. To me this looks like these are legs of two different people. I don't even have a knee cap. Hopefully recovery will happen quickly.


Mary Beth said...

ewww! it doesn't even look like a leg!

Kalia said...

I don't even think it looks like a knee!! Oh, just saw MB's comment, so ditto that!! It looks like on Harry Potter when the dumb guy removed his bones completely and they had to grow new ones! good luck!

Leigh This Way said...

I felt the same way when my leg was swollen. It was even worse after being on crutches for sick weeks because then my whole leg shrunk because it was losing muscle mass. Feel better and try to keep it elevated and iced as much as possible. Love you!