Friday, November 7, 2008

My Non-Important Things...Habits...Quirks...

Okay Mary Beth I'm finally doing it.

#1-I hate for there to be toothpaste left in the sink. I'm not sure why but the thought of all those germs dried onto the sink just makes me gag.

#2- I hate for the yard to look shaggy. Brian says that I'm anal but I will cut the grass once a week when it's growing well.

#3- I hate mornings...unless I get up at like 10. I hit the snooze button probably 3 or 4 times in the morning. I wish I could just get myself out of bed and hop in the shower but I just can't find the push to do it.

#4- I hate it when people litter. I can not in anyway claim to be saving the planet because I don't recycle and do all that stuff but it really bugs me when I see someone throw something out their window...even if it is just a cigarette butt. It makes me just want to honk my horn at them and ask they why they can't use their ash tray.

#5 - I am very organized at home kinda but I know just where everything is at work.

#6- I prefer texting to talking on the phone. Since I got my blackberry that's pretty much the way that Brian and I talk through out the day. It's almost gotten excessive. Last month I used 1300 text's a good thing I have unlimited.

#7- I hate to stay alone. I can tough it out for a little while but for long periods of time I have this stupid fear of being in a place by myself.

#8- I hate it when people hold my feet down. You remember in Elem school when you would hold your friends feet down while they did sit ups? Yeah I was one of those people who would do as many as fast as I could so that I could get my feet free. It's like I can't "get away" if I needed to.

Now that you guys think that I'm even more strange that you thought I was before I'm tagging:
Abby, Preston, and Kalia,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm, Jess, I'm not a very good friend because I didn't know any of that. We need to spend more time together.